


 FAROOK COLLEGE LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION- FLISAA was formed in 2006. FLISAA facilitates social and professional networking among the graduates of Farook College Library & Information Science students. FLISAA helps our alumni to build professional relationships with our faculty and students and to participates in sponsoring to support departments activities.

FLISAA supporting our department’s mission to prepare information science professionals to serve in dynamic roles all over the world by conducting Annual lectutres, Training Courses, webinars, seminars, talks and discussions. 

We are very proud of our diverse and wide-reaching network of alumni. Our alumni work in all types of libraries and information centered organizations around the world.

FLISAA aims at fostering and perpetuating friendship and co-operation among the alumni, through publications, informed group meetings and through other means. The Association seeks to further the social literary and cultural interest of the college by maintaining an active channel of communication between the college & Alumni.